November 3, 2010

NBA Fantasy Basketball Draft

Tonight Brian and Casey participated in a fantasy league basketball draft. Blake was helping Uncle Casey but just got too tired.

Sunshine, playing and baths will take a lot out of a guy!

Backyard Fun

Thanks to some heavy winds awhile back and some mild temps for the month of November, the boys and I spent the afternoon playing in a huge pile of leaves in the backyard today.
Blake mostly ate them, so Brady did more of the playing.

He loved running through them rather than actually jumping in them.

Rolling in them was fun too!

November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween! This year Brady went as Rocky Balboa (from Rocky II, the training scene) and Blake was a happy Lion. Rocky had his whole routine down and was really motivated once he figured out that there was candy to be had. We had a great time. The lion turned out really cute - made possible by Gma Karen's sewing skills! Thanks Grandma!

Cheer Cheer for Old Notre Dame

This past Saturday, the 30th, Brian and I took Brady to his first Notre Dame game. The weather was beautiful! We were so lucky! Brady was able to give high-fives to a lot of the players prior to the team mass when they were entering the basilica, and he recognized most of the landmarks on campus. He did fall asleep during the first quarter for a quick power nap, but hung in there like a trooper. Too bad Notre Dame didn't! They lost 27-28 with an interception in the endzone on the last play of the game. Go Irish!

Carving Pumpkins

Last Wednesday we carved pumpkins with the boys. Brady wasn't so sure about touching the "guts," but was a better sport with a spoon and some help from Dad.

Even the pug was included in this family fun!

After the "guts" were out, the boys lost interest. Brian and I were creative this year though! I am super proud of my owl pumpkin! Who knew I could be creative!?