December 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Yesterday the boys and I celebrated Brian's birthday with him.

Brady helped me decorate a cake.

The boys each were able to pick out a balloon and this is what they came up with!

It was a busy day and I have a terrible head cold, but it was fun to celebrate after a big victory following the basketball game against Williamsberg!

December 10, 2011

We have a 4 year-old!

On December 5th, Blake and the family took Brady to ChuckeCheese to celebrate his birthday!

The boys had a blast. Blake is big enough to play some of the games so there is something for everyone.

Brady loved the basketball game,

and ski ball!

Blake liked ski ball too. He just wasn't able to roll the balls all the way up the ramp. It didn't seem to stop him though.

After games we finished up with some pizza and breadsticks.

After pizza we went home and Brady opened his presents from Mom and Dad and Blake. This was Spiderman PJs from Mom and Dad.

Blake got him a Thomas the Train remote controlled train that he LOVED.

Thank you smooches for a good birthday!

How fast the time goes!

November 30, 2011

Decorating the Tree

This evening we attempted to decorate our Christmas tree. This was Blake's first real attempt and other than running into bedtime with a crabby boy, it went pretty well.

Brady really had a great time. He was all about putting up the ornaments.

We convinced Blake to do some too!

The tree was a tad weighted at the bottom initially........but we spread them out and ended up with a nice looking tree!

Another New Cousin!

On November 18th at 6:28 pm we welcomed Makyla Loretta Wade into the family!
She was 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long

Blake was more interested this round in a new baby and was up for "gentle" touching. Now the count is even on the O'Donnell side: 3 girls and 3 boys!

November 12, 2011

New Cousin!

On Thursday November 10th, at 5:05am, Casey and Leilani welcomed their daughter Kailea into the world!

The family went to visit on Thursday night. Brady loved the baby. Blake.....not so much.

Brady really wanted to hold her. He loves his new cousin!

We are so excited to welcome our new niece/cousin into the family! Congratulations to Casey and Lani!

November 1, 2011


This year for Halloween we had a dragon(thanks to Gma Karen) and a scarecrow(thanks to Gma Karen 2 years ago)!

The boys loved trick-or-treating!

We often had to remind Brady to use his manors because he was in such a hurry to get to the next house to "get more candy!"

It was a fun night. Both kids were old enough to enjoy it so that made it more fun for Brian and me! Definitely worth all the work!

October 28, 2011


Today Brian had the day off so we took the opportunity to carve pumpkins before I went into work tonight. Brady didn't like the "guts" but Blake did!

Brian had some help carving out the face!

Brady and I made the ghosts and Blake and Brian made the face! Family fun when the kids weren't crying because of the guts or being denied the carving knife!

October 26, 2011

Tractor Cart Rides

The boys and I went out to Dad's to enjoy one of the last really nice fall days! I think the temp was 70 degrees. Perfect for a cart ride pulled by Grandpa's tractor. As you can see, Blake wasn't quite sold yet because this was his first ride.

Once we stopped to pull a couple of ears of feed corn to play with he was a lot happier!

The boys loved shucking the kernels off.........

and throwing them out of the cart!

We stopped mid-ride to jump on some bales of hay!

Once Brady got the hang of it, he loved it!

Done with the hay romp and back to the tractor.

Back at Grandpa's house we grabbed a healthy snack of potato chips and chocolate milk!

The kids were so tired that Brady fell asleep in the car on the way home around 5ish and was out for the rest of the night. Blake went down early too! The country and fresh air mixed with tractor rides apparently really does small boys in!