July 21, 2012


This past Tuesday Brian and I took the kids to Adventureland in Des Moines.  Unfortunately it was the hottest day of the week topping out at over 100 degrees that day! 
The kids did great though and luckily a lot of the park has trees that offer shade.

Blake was able to clear the height requirement for the Raging River and the boys had a lot of fun getting wet on that ride.
We finished the hot day with some ice cream after a relaxing train ride.
We also caught Bernie the dog on the way out the door.
Overall a fun day!  We spend about 4 hrs in the park.  Brady was asleep in the van before Brian and I were done changing clothes and the van was put into reverse!  Blake made it through the parking lot but was down before we hit the interstate!  Quite ride home for us!

Big Boy

Our little man continues to grow! He is spending more time awake and will watch mobiles and people now.  They grow so fast!

Blake's First Movie

On July 8th Brian and I took Brady and Blake to the movie Brave.  This was Blake's first experience in a movie theater.
He loved the popcorn and the pop but after 45 minutes of previews was tired of sitting before the movie even started!  Needless to say it was a mild disaster!  We might wait to take Blake back anytime soon!
From what I saw of the movie it was really cute!

Beating the Heat

This summer has been really intense with the heat index, especially since we brought Luke home.  The other two boys have been like caged animals.  Luckily we've been trying the beat the heat in the afternoon with our pool in the shade on our deck.
Even Luke didn't mind the outside time in the shade.


This summer Brady played in the YMCA tball program.  It was for 4 and 5 year olds.  One word to describe it was hilarious.  Not a whole lot of focus from 4/5 year olds!  
Brady was #6.  The same as his hero Ryan Howard!
Kelly's daughter Shaelynn played on another team and she and Brady played each other one game.
The whole O'Donnell family was there so we took a "cousins" picture after the game.
Fun to get out of the house and meet some new friends!

July 4, 2012

A Kleinsmith Wedding!

This past Saturday on June 30 we celebrated the only Kleinsmith Wedding on our side of the family!
My cousin Ryne married his long standing girlfriend of 9 yrs Lacy.  
At all of the weddings we've had so far, we try to grab a Kleinsmith cousin picture.  Above is the newest version!
We've considered Lacy family for years but it's fun to make it official!
Everyone was able to make it down for the big event!

Luke meets Susannah and Aunt Sarah

Sarah and Susannah made the trip to Iowa to visit and meet Luke. Chris is busy with school and wasn't able to come this time.

All the "Kleinsmith" cousins together!
The babies did really well with this picture!

Although Susannah was small at birth - she is a big girl now compared to Luke!  So fun to have all these cousins!

June 26, 2012

Hospital photos

If you are interested, the company that takes infant photos in the hospital finally posted Luke on their site.  Go to


click on webnursery and then enter o'do and type in Luke's birthday 6/21

They did end up taking some really cute photos!

June 24, 2012

Anniversary Surprise

Today Brian and I celebrate 6 years of marriage.  Brian surprised me with a romantic lunch in the hospital.  He brought in Red Lobster and had roses.  It was such a fun surprise!  I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful man to share my life with!

Meeting Family

These past couple of days Luke has had a lot of visitors.  It's been so much fun to have family close to love on our new little man.
Luke even met some of his cousins.  Susannah is coming to visit in a couple of days to complete the cousin list!
above is Kelly and Sean's kids Shaelynn, Brycen and Makyla and below is Casey and Leilani's daughter Kailea.

Big Helpers

Brady and Blake have really taken to their little brother!  They love holding and helping.
Brady is always checking up on Luke.
We have a very lucky little boy to have such loving brothers!

June 22, 2012

Announcing Luke Edward O'Donnell!

Born June 21st at 9:45 am
7 lbs  7oz
21.5 inches long

Brian and I were a scheduled c-section delivery this past Thursday.  Everything went very well and we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy!

We were shocked with how small of a boy he was!  Especially for us!

We are absolutely in love with him!  He is such a sweet baby!

The boys are excited to be big brothers.  It helps when Luke brings presents for his older siblings. 
They are both big helpers!

More pictures to come.........We are just trying to recover and rest!