May 16, 2012

A New Cousin

Welcome new cousin Susannah Marie Dannals!
Born April 24th 
6lbs 15oz       19.5 inches long

The family went up to meet her for the first time when she was 8 days old.
The boys really wanted to help with the crying baby.  The fix in our house is the both boys were trying to shove Susannah's in her mouth!
Brian even took a little nap with her.
So exciting to have a new girl in the family!!!!

Meeting her new and upcoming cousin!
While I was busy loving on my new niece, Uncle Chris played Spiderman with Brady while Blake took a nap!  So much fun!

Baby Barred Owls

On April 24th the kids and I went out to Dad's to get a look at his baby barred owls before they flew the nest.  We cut it right down to the wire.  There were 3 babies and we were only able to get to 1 because the other 2 were out of reach already.
The boys were a little braver this year.  Brady was hesitant again.

Blake jumped right in. He loved the owl!

Brady liked helping Grandpa get the owl down and put him back.

We finished the day with a tractor ride.  Blake fell asleep after spending all that energy outside with a baby owl!
Fun day at Grandpa's!