June 26, 2012

Hospital photos

If you are interested, the company that takes infant photos in the hospital finally posted Luke on their site.  Go to


click on webnursery and then enter o'do and type in Luke's birthday 6/21

They did end up taking some really cute photos!

June 24, 2012

Anniversary Surprise

Today Brian and I celebrate 6 years of marriage.  Brian surprised me with a romantic lunch in the hospital.  He brought in Red Lobster and had roses.  It was such a fun surprise!  I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful man to share my life with!

Meeting Family

These past couple of days Luke has had a lot of visitors.  It's been so much fun to have family close to love on our new little man.
Luke even met some of his cousins.  Susannah is coming to visit in a couple of days to complete the cousin list!
above is Kelly and Sean's kids Shaelynn, Brycen and Makyla and below is Casey and Leilani's daughter Kailea.

Big Helpers

Brady and Blake have really taken to their little brother!  They love holding and helping.
Brady is always checking up on Luke.
We have a very lucky little boy to have such loving brothers!

June 22, 2012

Announcing Luke Edward O'Donnell!

Born June 21st at 9:45 am
7 lbs  7oz
21.5 inches long

Brian and I were a scheduled c-section delivery this past Thursday.  Everything went very well and we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy!

We were shocked with how small of a boy he was!  Especially for us!

We are absolutely in love with him!  He is such a sweet baby!

The boys are excited to be big brothers.  It helps when Luke brings presents for his older siblings. 
They are both big helpers!

More pictures to come.........We are just trying to recover and rest!