November 20, 2013

Brady's Birthday Weekend in Milwaukee

This year for his birthday Brady asked his dad to go see Kevin Durant play basketball so this past weekend we went to Milwaukee to watch the Oklahoma City Thunder play.

We happened to stay in the same hotel as the Thunder so the boys were extremely privileged to have the opportunity to meet and take a picture with Kevin Durant himself!  He was so great with the boys and took the time even to talk with them briefly!  It was amazing!
Brady also made a sign for the game.  Kevin called him down before the game to give him a high five and also threw him a towel!  He was a very lucky little boy!
What a birthday present!

My highlight is visiting my Grandparents.  While Brian and Brady went to the game, the other two boys and I stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house to play and enjoy the rest of the night.  Blake and Luke didn't feel slighted in the least!  Family fun to celebrate a special little boy early!


This year trick-or-treat was fun because all three boys participated!  It was cold but at least we avoided the rain.  You may recognize some repeat costumes on Blake and Luke.  Mom made them in previous years and I couldn't resist another dragon/lion year!

Brady's Halloween Parade

St Pius has a Halloween parade for the kids and parents to show off all of the costumes.  Brady had a great time.  The kindergartners high five all the "big kids."

Even the principal got dressed up!  Fun day!

Blake's Halloween Party

I helped out this year with Blake's 3 yr old preschool Halloween party.
It was great!  The kids played games some of the moms made up
and of course there were plenty of treats!

So much fun celebrating with my son! (Luke is in the pumpkin hat on the right.  He slept most of the party and woke up for the end!)

Carving pumpkins!

 This year my dad brought over pumpkins for the boys to carve.

 Even Luke had a good time!  Messy but fun.
Brady's pumpkin he designed is on the left followed by Blake's and the Luke's.  Everyone designed their own this year!  (Well Luke didn't, but the two older ones did!)

August 27, 2013

First Day of School

Today Brian and I sent our baby to kindergarten!
He had his Kevin Durant backpack all ready to go before we left for the day!
We met the principal at the door and he helped us get to our classroom!
Brady was so excited!  He knew just where he was going.
Once we got to his classroom, his teacher had a small project to color to begin the day.  
We were so excited to have Mrs Sadliek as a teacher!
He didn't even bat an eye!  Just went right to work!  I am surprised to report that there were no tears on Mom and Dad's end either!  
He rode the bus home with a friend he already knew from t-ball.  They "sat together and talked the whole way home."  

It really is true!  It just goes so fast!

4 Kids for a Weekend

This past weekend we were fortunate enough to watch my niece Susannah for 4 days.  The boys had so much fun!  One of the days we got the sprinkler out and the kids ran through it.  
Luke crawled along the outside perimeter so that he didn't get wet but Susannah was daring with her cousins.
Blake really had fun with her!  He was so attentive to her and what she was doing the whole time we watched her.  One of Susannah's favorite things was riding in the car while Blake pushed her.
They also shared a sucker together one afternoon.
On the last day before she went home, I played "beauty parlor" with her and painted her nails!  With a girl in the house I couldn't resist!
We had so much fun!  I would have taken more photos but I was chasing kids!  What a fun weekend with cousins!

August 13, 2013

Swimming Lessons

At the end of the summer Brady participated in 3 weeks of swimming lessons.  He really enjoyed them!  They practiced front and back floats (which he is demonstrating below) among other things.
He really enjoyed his instructor and can't wait to begin the next level next summer!


Two weeks ago Brian and I took the kids to Milwaukee to watch a Nationals game.  We were able to do many things which included a visit to the zoo and visiting my grandparents.
We started the trip with the zoo.
This summer the zoo featured a special exhibit with sharks and stingrays.
Each of the boys were also allowed to touch a horseshoe crab.
Of course a highlight is the train ride at the end of the day.  Blake waits all day for this!  Luke certainly enjoyed it this year too!
The boys were able to take home a small souvenir from the gift shop.  Luke was playing with Brady's tiger.
The next day was the game.  We got to the gates early to take in batting practice.  The younger boys entertained themselves playing catch.
Luke loved the game!  He stayed awake the whole time clapping and watching the game.
We were even able to see Hank Aaron for a special presentation.  Very cool!
The pool is always a highlight! (not Brian with the towel!)
Blake loved going under water and Luke was even gutsy with falling into Brian
Fun way to finish up the summer vacation!