May 28, 2010

Grandpa's Last Day of Work

Today was my dad's last day of work after 33 years of teaching at Lisbon Community Schools. Brady, Blake and I went to help him clean out his room and have lunch with him. Brady, of course, was distracted with the gym so he and Grandpa shot some baskets during a packing break. (This is the same gym I grew up running around in with my sisters.)

Not quite tall enough to make a shot. We needed Grandpa's help.

Thomas the Train, Henry and Salt were busy driving on Grandpa's desk.

Grandpa even had a little desk to play with in his room! We finished up at the school and went to play in the country at Grandpa's house for the rest of the afternoon to celebrate. Great day!

May 17, 2010


This past weekend Brady was able to experience his first major league baseball game watching the Philadelphia Phillies take on the Brewers at Miller Park.

Watching the players during batting practice and hoping for some autographs! We went to the game with Brian's brother, Casey (right) and his wife Leilani. The boys, both big and small, were really excited!

The unthinkable happens! Ryan Howard, Brady's favorite player, signs a baseball for him right before the game!

Then we watch him hit a homerun his first at bat from our seats right behind the Phillies' dugout!

Brady has his first ballpark hotdog!

It was a late night for a little boy but an unbelievable game! Phillies won 9-5! Brady ended up receiving 4 in-play baseballs that were tossed up into the crowd by the Phillies! What a lucky little boy he is!

In the car on the ride home not 5 minutes out of the parking lot.

On Saturday morning we went to the Milwaukee County Zoo with both boys. This was special because I've been coming to this zoo with my grandparents since I was a little girl.

Brady loved seening the animals, feeding the goats at the petting zoo, and riding on the train.

I took this same picture with my mom at this age too!

Waving to people on the train ride.

The boys with their great-grandparents!
God bless my grandma and grandpa for putting us up during our stay, and for watching the boys while Brian and I caught a Saturday afternoon game. Blake is still a cranky handfull, and Brady has a lot of energy. You would never guess they are eighty-plus years old!

May 9, 2010

Birthday and Mother's Day

I turned 29 this year on Mother's Day. We celebrated Mother's Day with brunch with the O'Donnell family, and then I was treated to an uninterrupted nap this afternoon while Brian had the boys! I am so blessed to have my boys! I knew I always wanted to be a mommy, and I am truly lucky.

May 4, 2010


Blake was baptized this weekend.

He was such a good boy in church. He slept through the whole thing except for the actual baptism part. He just started wide-eyed with the water.

We were so excited that Father Mark could be a part of the day. He is being transferred to New Hampton, IA this July and we will miss him dearly. He is a wonderful friend.
(P.S. Sorry for the blurry pictures. I found a sticky finger print on the lense from a 2 year old helper after the event!)

Brady's favorite part was playing in the baptismal font after the service.