January 13, 2011

Big Boy!

Brady just finished up his 3 year old well-child check and topped out at 40 lbs! He was also 40 inches tall. Apparently we grow big children!

January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve day the Irish played in a bowl game so the boys were all ready! Brian and I did manage to make it to midnight, but that came with consequences the next morning when the kids got up at their regular time! Happy New Year everyone!

Christmas in Madison

Amy hosted Christmas for my Mom's side at her house on the 29th. Brady received a tricycle from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa. Uncle Chris and soon to be Uncle Kyle helped assemble it! Brady had such a good time helping the boys!

The best part was the finished product! (Brian wasn't able to come with us because of basketball. He tried but it's hard to manuever a schedule that was made up in August!)

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve was spent with the O'Donnells over at Pat and Kathleen's. We normally take "dressed up" pictures, but Blake urinated through his entire outfit and Brian's right as church was ending! This year was "comfortable" pictures!

The kids were restless, but we did manage to get a nice picture after all!

I worked Christmas eve night so I was in a coma-like stupor when I got home for Santa presents. I truly forgot to take pictures of the kids opening presents that morning! I guess that will happen when you've been up for 29 hrs solid! At the end I did take a picture of the Santa plate and the note he left for the kids!

Brian's Birthday (late post)

We celebrated Brian's birthday by going out to eat the following week at Red Robin with his family.

Brian received a free ice cream sundae which his boys we excited about!

Blake most of all!