July 13, 2011

The Long Trip Home

We made the long trip home Monday and Tuesday. 16hrs in the car is no fun!

Thank God for DVD players in vehicles now!

We pacified the kids with TastyKakes because we hadn't had the opportunity to eat some before this. TastyKake is a lot like Little Debbie and they are a big sponsor of the Phillies.

We split the trip into 2 days for the kids. We spent the night in Ohio at a hotel with a pool to burn off some energy! So glad to be home again!!!!

The Big Day

Sunday was Brian's big day, so we were able to go out on the field before the game. Unfortunately the Phillies were not taking batting practice so it was a lot of waiting in the heat.

Brian, Brady and Blake played catch on the field.

They briefly let us down into the dugout, without the players, to take a quick picture.

Brian and the boys were able to stand on the "on deck" circle.

Brian was showing the boys were the Phillies would come out into the dugout.

To give us a break from the heat, they took us on a quick tour, which included the media room,

and the world series trophies. Below is the 2008 trophy.

and the 1980 trophy.

We were introduced out on the field before the game and then given tickets to the game.

The boys were excited because they were finally able to meet the Phanatic!

Because of a team meeting, we were not able to meet any of the players which was a bummer. We also didn't end up staying for the game because our seats were behind the Braves dugout in the direct sun and the kids had had enough of the 95 degree heat.

Photo day and a Game

Saturday was Photo Day at the Stadium for the Phillies so Brian and I took the kids over prior to the game.

We were brought out onto the field a little early before the other 3,000 fans were allowed onto the field. Ryan Madson was kind enough to come over and talk to the boys before the event started!

Then we waited for about an hour for the fans to get settled and the players to come out. The highlight was playing in the dirt on the field while we waited.

Blake even sampled some......

The boys were troopers because once again the heat index was ridiculous! We met most of the players! On of the most special was Ryan Howard! He gave high-fives and talked with the boys for a bit.

Blake fell asleep half-way though, but had on Cole Hamels' jersey so he took a pic with the sleeping baby!

and Roy Halladay stopped for a photo too! We took other pictures too but these were the highlights!

Carriage ride through "old town" Philadelphia

Friday the family took a horse and carriage ride through historic Philadelphia. It was narrated so it was a great way to get some history and see the town with the kids.

The boys did great with it.

Blake only made it half way through the tour though.......

The wait for the Liberty Bell was a block long, so we saw it through an outside viewing window instead. It was SO hot again, so the boys couldn't tolerate waiting that long. They did great though under the circumstances.

July 7, 2011

National Museum of Art (AKA: the Rocky Steps)

On Thursday in 100 degree weather, Brian and I took the boys to run the Rocky steps.

Brady ran the steps twice! Blake ran them in Brian's arms.

Brian said he can now check this off his "bucket list".

The Rocky statue is located right to the right of the museum so of course we took pictures of that too.

The boys were wiped in the heat though, so we finished the run with some free ice cream a radio station was giving away with the "heat wave".

The Real Philadelphia Cheesesteak Sandwich

Brian has always wanted to try the original Philadelphia cheesesteak sandwich, so Wednesday we went to the oldest, most competitive spots to try out both sandwiches and weigh in our vote.

and Pat's.

Both are literally across the street from each other and loyalties to your own style of sandwich run deep in this city.

We will admit that the competition was tough, but we both think Geno's is our sandwich!

Philadelphia or bust!

Brian and I drove 16 hours to Philadelphia PA this past Monday night into Tuesday. The kids did great considering.........
Mom and Dad were tired, but we're glad to get there!

On Wednesday Blake woke up this way!

We opted to do the Aquarium that day because we had a cyclops for a second born child and we weren't sure how the heat would affect the swelling.

The boys have never been to an aquarium so it was a lot of fun.

Brady's favorite part was touching the sharks! At first he wasn't sure, but then decided he wanted to be brave.

Blake had his moment too to touch some stingrays. He just loved the water mostly!

Blake's eye got better as the day went on. Never a dull moment!