April 21, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

So we attempted dying Easter eggs this year for the first time and it went really well! Blake didn't get to do much, but he sat and cheered his brother on.

Brady concentrated very hard to make sure the eggs didn't break when we were coloring them.

Brady even made a couple for Blake (they were already broken after boiling). He wasn't sure what to make of them.

Mostly Blake tasted..........

and then threw them!

Rocky didn't mind though. He had an egg supper that night!

Here are the finished products! 9 total not counting the ones that landed on the floor from Blake. Now we are all ready for the bunny to visit!

April 13, 2011

A New Puppy at Grandpa's House

Today the kids and I spent the day out in the country in the 70 degree weather! About lunch time, Grandpa came home with his new Walker/Blue Tick Coon Hound puppy!

She was a little shy at first, but really warmed up to Brady right away! She followed him all over the yard and she played "hide and seek" with him too.

Blake wasn't so sure about her.

We also enjoyed time throwing rocks into the creek........

and playing with race cars on Gpa's driveway.

What a wonderful day to spend outdoors! Brady was so sad to leave, but I was able to get him into the van with promises of visiting the puppy soon!

New Bathroom!

Finally finished! I wish I had a picture of what this bathroom looked like when we moved in (hideous!)! One needs to try and picture canary yellow with a blue flower boarder and two individual flower lights as fixtures. Then throw in an oak-rimmed mirror? It is hard to see in this picture, but I am awfully proud of myself! :)

April 6, 2011

Projects and Help

My latest project has been redoing my main floor bathroom. I have been really successful in hanging a new mirror, towel rack and toilet paper holder. I ran into some trouble installing a new faucet head though. The drain apparatus was trickier than anticipated, and I required some muscle to remove it! Brian and Blake were helping me out!

The boys were truly fascinated with the tool box. Blake loved all the screwdrivers and wrenches!

Brady wanted his turn to help too! He was mimicking Mom under the sink!

The update is that I had to quit last night unfinished. One more trip to Menard's is required before I can install the new drain! I'll post pics when I'm all done! I still need to play electrician with a new light fixture before I am declared the victor!

On the Move!

Blake is officially running around now. He is desperate to keep up with his big brother and tears through the house to find him. I tried my best but was only able to keep him down for 12 months!

Tub Fun in Madison

One of the highlights of Aunt Amy's house is her 3-person bathtub! It's like Brady and Blake's own personal swimming pool. The family made a trip overnight to stay in Madison a couple of weeks ago and the boys had a blast!

I'm sure the boys someday will be thrilled that I posted a picture like this up!

Amy is always a good sport about safety! She risks getting soaked to make sure no one goes under on her watch!