October 26, 2011

Tractor Cart Rides

The boys and I went out to Dad's to enjoy one of the last really nice fall days! I think the temp was 70 degrees. Perfect for a cart ride pulled by Grandpa's tractor. As you can see, Blake wasn't quite sold yet because this was his first ride.

Once we stopped to pull a couple of ears of feed corn to play with he was a lot happier!

The boys loved shucking the kernels off.........

and throwing them out of the cart!

We stopped mid-ride to jump on some bales of hay!

Once Brady got the hang of it, he loved it!

Done with the hay romp and back to the tractor.

Back at Grandpa's house we grabbed a healthy snack of potato chips and chocolate milk!

The kids were so tired that Brady fell asleep in the car on the way home around 5ish and was out for the rest of the night. Blake went down early too! The country and fresh air mixed with tractor rides apparently really does small boys in!

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